“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” Matthew 25:21 NRSV
Greetings, Fremont Family:
This Sunday we bring our Annual Stewardship Campaign to a close. I hope you have had a chance to consider your 2021 financial support for Fremont and returned your Pledge Card. Charlie and I have done so, but I have to admit, I find myself incredibly distracted these days with the turmoil following the National Election. Each day I seem to waver between relief that a different future is ahead for us and deep anxiety that the current administration will somehow succeed in its attempts to do an “end run” around democracy. I find myself looking for assurances (in the news, in social media) that are not necessarily there.
Is it weird that these ‘end of the age’ parables at the close of Matthew’s gospel are offering me some comfort and hope? Just before his impending crucifixion, Jesus gathers his disciples and tells them stories about a future they cannot see. Life without Jesus in ministry with them is coming. This reality will be terrifying for the disciples, yet, it is definitely not the end of the story. Jesus needs the disciples to understand that God holds history, and a time will come when the ‘bridegroom,’ ‘the master,’ ‘the King’ will return. These parables are intended to inspire and encourage every generation of disciples who live in the “in-between” time.
The thrust of every story seems to involve some level of surprise (the bridegroom coming in the middle of the night, the master acting differently than the slave expects, the sheep and goats not recognizing the King). That is, life in the meantime, will be fairly unpredictable. There will be many things we cannot know. Therefore, Jesus says in different ways but in every single story, live faithfully every day so that we cannot be caught off guard. Regardless of what happens, be ready. I don’t know about you, but that truth helps me breathe a little easier. That is, I can’t change the many circumstances that are out of my control, but I can do what is faithful, right and true today with what l am given. Daily faithfulness no matter how small leads to future abundance, period.
So, today, I choose love. Today, I choose generosity, courage and hope. It’s not much given the circumstances, but in God’s good hands, it’s everything.
I love you all. Pastor Erin
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